terça-feira, 21 de outubro de 2008

Breakfast in a jar

Besides being super healthy and filling it's so easy to do!
Make 3 layers:
- oatmeal with a few drops of fresh orange juice and some raisins
- greek-style yogurt
- homemade applesauce (cut some apples, take off the seeds but not the skin and let them boil in a bit of water, with a cinnamon stick or 2 for about 45 min. Bring to a pulp and keep in jars)
- a dash of raisins to finish

Além de ser super saudável e de satisfazer, é muito fácil de fazer!
Faz 3 camadas:
- aveia salpicada com um pouco de sumo de laranja natural e algumas passas
- iogurte grego
- puré de maçã caseiro (corta algumas maçãs, tira as sementes, mas não a casca, e deixa cozer num pouco de água com um ou 2 paus de canela, durante cerca de 45 minutos. Tritura e guarda em frascos.)
- algumas passas por cima

quarta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2008

simple dinner

- cream-cheese+parsley+tomato sandwich
- peas with chopped onion and and olive oil
- yams
- sandes de queijo philadelphia+salsa+tomate
- ervilhas em azeite e cebola picada
- inhame

great combinations 1 [PINEAPLE+MINT]

- 1 medium can of pineaple
- a handful of mint leaves
- juice from the can
- some water
- ice

mix all in the blender
- 1 lata média de ananás
- uma mão cheia de folhas de hortelã
- sumo da lata
- água qb
- gelo
misturar tudo no liquidificador.

quinta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2008

happy food :)

- a mix of vegetables, walnuts and paneer cheese cooked on the wok
- carrot and ginger puree
- sweet potato puree


- uma mistura de vegetais, nozes e o queijo de ontem, tudo cozinhado no wok
- puré de cenoura e gengibre
- puré de batata doce

quarta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2008

soup out of whei

With the whei from the cheese making I made some soup...

1 potato, 1 carrot, some chopped leaks, some mushrooms, 1/2 an onion (chopped), a handfull of spinach, tiny noodles, 1 clove of garlic, 1 tsp olive oil, salt, a few mint leaves.

It has a sort of citrus flavor :)


[Obrigada, papá :)]

Homemade Paneer Cheese

After I read about paneer cheese (an indian cheese) on Barb's blog today I became more and more curious about making my own... I had seen something simillar on Country Living but it used greek yogurt instead of milk and had no cooking involved. So I decided to explore a bit before venturing...
And so I came upon some recipes and a video with easy-to-follow instructions. There are many versions and you can use it in a bunch of recipes.

So here it goes:

1. Bring 8 cups of milk to a boil (you're supposed to use whole-fat milk). I added a bit of fleur de sel.

2. Just before it boiled I added some chopped coriander.

3. When it starts to boil add 1/4 cup lemon juice (or vinegar). When it curdles, turn off the heat and let it stand, covered, for a few minutes.

4. Transfer to a thin wet cloth, adjusted over a colander on top of a bowl.

Do save the whey as it is said to be very healthy! Use it as a stock for soup or a gravy.

5. Tie the opposite ends of your colth and hold it over a jug with a spatula or spoon for about 45 minutes.

6. Untie the knots and fold the cloth gently over the cheese. Lay it on a colander and put some weight over it so it will flatten.

TADDA!!! Thanks for inspiring me Barb! :)

If you're a vegan, I suppose you could try with soy milk... I wonder if it will curdle though...


melon jam

made it a couple weeks ago... can't remember the proportions exactely...
- 1kg cubed melon
- 500 g sugar
- spices (cinnamon, ginger, ground pepper...)
can't remember if I used lemond rind...

You can find some melon jam recipes around here, here or here.
[the illustration is by Cristina]
Fi-lo há umas 2 semanas... não me recordo bem das proporções...
- 1 kg melão (que estava no frigorífico há uns dias por ser tão mau)
- 500g açúcar
- especiarias (canela, gengibre, pimenta...)
Não me lembro se usei casca de limão...