quinta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2008

Yummy and oh-so-easy oatmeal+coconut cookies

[recipe soon]

Eggplant lovelyness

Eggplant * tomato * onion * garlic * bread * olive oil * salt * black pepper * parsley * coriander

beringela * tomate * cebola * alho * pão * azeite * sal * pimenta preta * salsa * coentros

sexta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2008

Save-your-veggies-before-they-rotten soup

All of these (except for the green beans) peeled and cut up into a pan of boiling, salty water plus 3 garlic cloves. Mash after cooked. Add dried coriander and parsley, some ground black pepper and a tablespoon of olive oil.
Necesity is indeed the mother of inventions and this is one of the loveliest soups I've had. Reminded me of Scotland a bit... :)

quinta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2008

vanilla cupcakes+homemade jam

The recipe for the cupcakes is right here.

breakfast love

- bread with peanut butter+sliced banana+cinnamon+brown sugar

- natural yogurt+oatmeal